Thursday, February 25, 2010

quote book

connected by a quote book and five bracelets. five different people. five different stories. a million different thoughts. one dream.
when i thought i could never trust anyone like i once trusted my family, God brought four amazing friends to me. they are so amazing. we laugh. we cry. we share the same feelings. you can't get to one of us without the other four's approval. we cheer for each other during everything great. we struggle with each other with every hardships. you break one of our hearts and you broke all of our hearts. we don't use each other. we don't treat each other like old news. we are there and strong. i have friends that treat me well, they go to me for advice as do i to them. we are five people who you would never guess were friends but we are connected by a quote book and five bracelets. five different people. five different stories. a million thoughts. one dream.

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