Sunday, June 6, 2010

the week of the bahaha

pretty much the title describes it. i've fallen in love with the phrase bahaha. that phrase, well word, i think, describes this week. starting wednesday i have had the most amazing summer vacation ever. i know my vacation didn't technically start until thursday afternoon but the fun began wednesday. day one of graduations: well i was almost late. it was a disastorous day at school. there had been enough drama the last two weeks to last a life time. my friends who never fight can't stand to be in the same building as each other. best friends turning against each other. just chaos. but when that bell rang on that wednesday a new day started. i went to church for a meeting and found out some super exciting news. i thought that would be the highlight of my day, nothing could top this news. but wait, graduation number one hasn't happened. after a screaming couple co-driving us to graduation, three hours of pointlessness of people giving speeches and walking across a stage, and two games of scrabble on words with friends, i walked out of the BC field, looked slightly left, just to see the person who has been my biggest role model throughout my entire life. i hadn't seen her since early july of the year 2009 and there she was. i shouldn't have been surprised that she was there but i was. i giant smile shot across my face. i ran over and gave her the biggest hug in the world. for two minutes of this 1440 minute day i had no worries.
the next day i had round two of graduations, not as fun as day one but it was still a great day. after the graduation i got to hang out with some friends, joke around and found out some super surprising news that surprisingly didn't surprise me. the next day i hung out with an old friend for the whole day. we swam, we colored, we slept, we ate. it was one fabulous day. now, the last two days have been the two most relaxing days i've had in a long time. no drama, no worries, no cares. it was just been a peaceful weekend. i honestly believe this summer could top any other. at the pace that it's going right now it will definitely top them all.

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